Cuteness at its extreme!

Yesterday, my husband and I visited a friend’s place. There was a Satyanarayan Puja(spiritual ritual) held at their place. Though we couldn’t attend the Puja, we went later to take the prashad(sweet offered to God while performing the Puja).

It is always nice to visit their place and spend some time there. This friend has a kid who is around 2 years old and is super-active. Whenever we visit their place, initially she behaves as though she is too shy to talk to us and refuses to come closer to us. Gradually, she gets more comfortable and starts playing with us. This time she looked much taller. Kids grow up so fast. Also, she has started being more expressive. Although I couldn’t completely comprehend what she was trying to say through words and actions, I still loved listening to her. It seemed as though she has a lot to say and she was trying her best to make us understand through actions too. Kids are so smart these days. We have a great time playing with her every time we visit this friend’s place.

There was one cute moment which I would like to share. There was some problem with the sofa in their house. A little nail had come out from the sofa and was quite distinct. Everyone was looking at it curiously and trying to figure out what to do so that it doesn’t hurt people who walk around the sofa. I was sitting and observing from a distance. The little one went close to the nail and checked it out. Then, she came running to me and asked me to get up so that I could also go and check it out. She knew everyone else had checked it out apart from me. She didn’t give up till I actually went to the sofa and checked out the nail. How thoughtful of her! We realized then that she has not only grown taller but also become more understanding over a period of time 🙂


Today, I completed 50 posts on my blog. I am so glad I made blogging a part of my life. It feels good to share anything and everything I think of on my blog space. There are a few people who constantly read my blogs and motivate me through their appreciation. Thanks a lot people for motivating me to make my blog space more lively day by day. I would continue to keep it lively and make it better as every day passes by 🙂 Cheers on the completion of 50 posts.

On this occasion, would like to quote, “Life is as beautiful or as ugly as you perceive it”. I believe there are a lot of beautiful things happening around us. We tend to ignore as we just concentrate on moving on. Look around, feel the beauty around, and you’ll feel so blessed to be a part of this world.